Rob Machado's Too Fish

Our 'Welcome Distractions' do they what they say on the tin. They can be anything than turns our heads, inspire us, make us smile or provide escapism at the right time. 

Today we have an unexpected Welcome Distraction from Firewire surfboards and our favourite surfer and the ever soulful Rob Machado. 

Some years ago now, Firewire and Rob's 'Go Fish' hit board racks all over the world and fast became Firewire's top selling model. Building on this success, the Seaside and Seaside and Beyond were released with the 'Sunday' also chucked into the mix. Yes, I surfed and enjoyed all of them but the Go Fish was 'that board' the one I truly regretted selling. 

As a longboarder at heart, I not only like but need volume in my boards, shortboards and minimal foam don't work for me. The Go Fish, was just pure 'Fun'.

Writing this, this evening from my London flat, after, let's say, "not the best day", the release of the Too Fish, (which is the evolution of the Go Fish) has given me that familiar yet a little distant of late, excitement that comes from mind surfing waves and looking forward to getting back in the sea...soon. 
Anyway - here's Rob in Japan, talking all things Too Fish and showing us how surfing should look. Enjoy. 

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