Bunny Hop - Watch it here

There's always an excited rumble throughout the skate world when rumours of a new, full length video from Girl or Chocolate begin to circulate. 

This year, with a fresh looking chocolate team killing it left right and centre it was welcome news when the imminent new film 'Bunny Hop' was announced. 

There was something special about this one. New, current, fresh talent but with no shortage of nostalgic nods to those that came before, those that were taken too soon, those that have reached unbelievable heights and of course the fun threads that tied the now iconic Chocolate vids of yesteryear together. 

Unexpected special appearances from Stevie Williams, Richard Mulder, Spike Jonze, Ray Barbee and Daniel Castillo among others were great to see with clips and footage from Crailtap OGs Justin Eldridge, Chris Roberts, Jeron Wilson, Rick McCrank and Sean Malto... 

Enough of my waffle, just watch it and enjoy. 

Chocolate Skateboards presents

Bunny Hop

Click the image below to watch... 

Chocolate Skateboards Bunny Hop

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